EVENT 1: Transmissions: Uses of Inventive Methods, UCI Irvine, California, USA

---- BOOK LAUNCH ----

Authors talked, demonstrated and performed their research about poetry, performance, catalogues, interactive machines, costume, speculative design, catalogue cards and digital platforms.
We officially (virtually) launched TRANSMISSIONS on Wed 18th Nov 2020.
Speakers: Chaired by Kat Jungnickel (Goldsmiths, London) with Julien McHardy (Mattering Press, Netherlands), Åsa Ståhl (Linnaeus University, Sweden), Kristina Lindström (Malmö University, Sweden), Laura Watts (University of Edinburgh), Janis Jefferies (Goldsmiths, London), Alexandra Lippman (University of California), Julia Pollack (University of Illinois).

What is transmission?
is the research moment when invention meets dissemination
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The tactical combination of making (how theory, methods and data shape research) and communicating (how research is shown, shared and entangled with others)


- the book
In this new edited collection published by MIT Press, researchers from a range of disciplines examine tactics for the transmission of research, exploring such unconventional forms as poetry, performance, catalogues, interactive machines, costume, and digital platforms.
Focusing on transmissions draws attention to a critical part of the research process commonly overlooked and undervalued. Too often, the results of radically experimental research methodologies are pressed into conventional formats.
Each chapter focuses on a different tactic of transmission. One contributor merges literary styles of the empirical and poetic; another uses an angle grinder to construct machines of enquiry. One project invites readers to participate in an exchange about value; another provides a series of catalog cards to materialise ordering systems of knowledge. All share a commitment to uniting the what with the how, firmly situating tactics of transmissions in their research and in each unique chapter of this book.

Dr Kat Jungnickel
Dr Nerea Calvillo - architect, researcher and assist professor at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Methods, University of Warwick
Dr Rebecca Coleman - reader in sociology, Goldsmiths, University of London
Prof. Larissa Hjorth - dist. professor, artist and digital ethnographer in the school of media and communications, RMIT, Australia
Prof. Janis Jefferies - emeritus professor of visual arts, Goldsmiths, University of London
Dr Kat Jungnickel - senior lecturer in sociology, Goldsmiths University of London
Prof. Sarah Kember - professor of new technologies of communication, Goldsmiths, University of London
Dr Max Liboiron - assist professor in geography and director of CLEAR (Civic Laboratory for Environmental action Research), Memorial University, Newfoundland
Dr Kristina Lindström - designer and senior lecturer in arts and communication at Malmö University, Sweden
Dr Alexandra Lippman - sound ethnographer, DJ and cultural anthropologist
Dr Bonnie Mak - assoc. professor in information sciences, history and medieval studies, University of Illinois
Dr Julien McHardy - designer, researcher and open access publisher at Mattering Press, Netherlands
Julia Pollack - creative program manger at the Carl. R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology, University of Illinois
Prof. Ingrid Richardson - professor in the school of media and communications, RMIT, Australia
Dr Åsa Ståhl - senior lecturer in design at Linnaeus University
Dr Laura Watts - writer, poet, ethnographer of futures and senior lecturer in energy and society, University of Edinburgh

- the project
Transmissions, the research project (PI Kat Jungnickel), started in 2013 and was initially funded by an ESRC Knowledge exchange grant with support from Intel Corporation. It explored inventive methods, creative practice and alternate forms of knowledge exchange.
The funding provided the valuable opportunity to gather a diverse group of people who practice social research in wild and wonderful ways. This collection directly emerged from a series of conferences and networking events.
TRANSMISSIONS hosted 4 international events featuring public talks, experiments and performances, invited symposiums, workshops and an exhibition - all designed to explore the making and communicating of research and knowledge exchange in alternate formats.

EVENT 3: Live Transmissions: Critical Conversations about Crafting, Performing & Making, Goldsmiths + central London locations, UK
EVENT 2: Transmissions: Inventive Enactments of the Social, Goldsmiths, London UK
EVENT 4: Transmissions & Entanglements: Experimental publishing, Digital Cultures Research Lab (DCRL), Lüneburg, Germany
OTHER: From 2013-2019 Transmissions also hosted and ran student training, bursaries and exhibitions, public sewing workshops and bike rides and a range of talks and workshops.
See EVENTS for all documentation
Overall, the Transmissions project set out to generate awareness of (and increase value for) alternate ways of making and communicating research. Transmissions is premised on the idea that far from operating as a point of closure, we explore how and in what ways research transmissions create openings and connections with and in social worlds.