Student training: 16mm filmmaking workshop

I am pleased to be able to use the larger Transmissions project to train Goldsmiths MA Visual Sociology students in 16mm filmmaking at No.W.Here. Ten students, Nina and I have just completed an intensive workshop on making and editing filmic techniques. It was a hectic two days and it was amazing how much we all learnt about the technology, its socio-material history and our own practices. I personally saw lots of very exciting possibilities for links between these new skills and the bloomer project.


The start of the two day workshopDSC_3916


Materialising one second of film DSC_3919Getting to grips with the technology


Vintage how-to manualsDSC_3956

DSC_3963Loading the film

DSC_3930Out we go

DSC_3978A few hours later we learnt how to develop the film

DSC_3980Good advice

DSC_4004Learning how to edit

DSC_3982Spare film to practice cuts and splices

DSC_4021 DSC_4023Documenting the documentation





and the final show……DSC_4070